What to do when your Homeowner Association Board gets mired down in endless discussion
The Board of Directors of a homeowners association has the responsibility of directing the affairs of the association. Sometimes the tasks of HOA management can be very complex, even confusing. In some cases, Boards can get mired down in endless discussion without ever resolving a matter. It happens! So, when it occurs here are some helpful tips to encourage the Board of community associations to conduct its business wisely and with impunity in resolving the affairs of the association.

Address problems or issues from multiple perspectives and compare them in order to look at pros and cons, framing a much more comprehensive understanding of what the Board is facing and deciding.
Practice “creative thinking” which encourages generative ideas and input.
Think long-term, not merely for immediate gratification.
Ensure decisions are in the “best interest” of the owners, to fulfill your fiduciary duty, and in case your decision is ever challenged.
Consider whether or not the decision will enhance future Board’s and its committees to act and attract volunteers or will it potentially create a different kind of problem(s).
Ensure opportunities for robust discussion in Board meetings, allowing participation of Board members curiosity, intrigue, and engagement.
After adequate time for review and discussion, including sufficient time for agents of the association to review and advise the Board, bring a motion before the Board to authorize or deny the agenda item and move forward with the business of the Association.
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DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as offering legal advice. For legal advice, seek the counsel of a competent attorney specializing in Community Association Law on matters pertaining to your state and community.
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