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Tips To Protect Your Home & HOA During Vacation

Members of a homeowner association can take several measures to protect their homes while on vacation. Protecting the neighborhood is becoming a top priority for any HOA. More and more community association's are banning together to provide programs and resources to prevent crime. In some cases, a HOA management firm can often assist in finding reputable sales personnel in the security industry. Here are some tips to protect your association.

1. Neighborhood Watch Program. As a valuable tool of crime prevention, Neighborhood Watch Programs bring the community together in strategic ways to protect neighbors that are away on vacation. They offer more eyes that keep watch when you are away.

2. Notify Trusted Neighbors. One of the best crime prevention methods is a family member or neighbor who can keep an eye out on your home while you are away.

3. Install a Monitored Alarm System. The first line of defense in home security is a clearly posted alarm sign in the yard. Most alarm systems can be installed with exterior door protection and interior traps, so that you never have to walk in on a home invader. In the event of a crime, the alarm company will contact you after calling emergency personnel to determine if an alarm received is valid. Most alarm companies also install video surveillance that serves as a further deterrent and may capture video to quickly hand-off to police.

4. Install Intrusion Deterrents. You can make it difficult for an intruder to get in by installing locks that are not easy to breach by kicking in the door and breaking the frame. By installing additional locks on windows or placing a wooden board between two diagonal corners may prevent intruders from being able to open windows and will often make a burglar look for an easier target.

5. Install Dual Pane Windows. Although dual pane windows were originally crafted for better sealing of homes to reduce energy costs, they are typically much harder to break through than single pane windows.

6. Install Outdoor Motion Detection Lights. Motion detection lights are an excellent way to draw attention to anyone who comes to an exterior door.

7. Install Indoor Light Timers. This will help the home look occupied. Many alarm companies and HVAC experts can install these at low costs that allows them to be manipulated using your cell phone. If you used LED lights, it will in most cases be cost affordable.

8. Place Mail on Hold. Unless you have a trusted neighbor or family member who will be keeping on eye on your home, you may place your mail on hold. This prevents mail from collecting daily in the mailbox as a sure sign that you are away.

9. Keep Blinds Predominately Closed. Keep your blinds closed enough to emit light without the ability to peer through them. This makes the home look occupied but not closed completely up.

10. Avoid Vacation Notices on Voicemail and Social Media. Exercise caution by not leaving a voicemail that you are away on vacation. Be prudent while on vacation and avoid posting updates and pictures of you on vacation until after you are back home.

While there is no sure proof method of protecting your home under every circumstance, you can take preventative steps to reducing crime in your neighborhood. In some cases, security companies may offer discounts to community associations.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained herein is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as offering legal advice. For legal advice, seek the counsel of a competent attorney specializing in Community Association Law on matters pertaining to your state and community. For additional security information, contact a company specializing in residential security in your local area.

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Under NCGS 7A-38.3F, members of the Association may request a mediation with the Association to try to resolve a dispute that does not involve the collection of assessments. For a full explanation of the mediation process, refer to the statute that can be found here:


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